SCILHS Query Workflow


Workflows for issuing simple and complex PCORNet queries to SCILHS.

With a goal of reducing the overall expenditure on data transformation, we agreed upon a revised data query plan with the coordinating center (Platt, Brown, Curtis, Murphy and Mandl meeting at Harvard Pilgrim on March 10, 2022).  The opportunity to later transform our full data into a PCOR Common Data Model is in no way precluded. However, the following approach enables early success, a learning curve and a shared learning process for CDRNs re: data transformation.

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The workflow we are implementing is shown in the diagram above.

  • Simple queries are generated from the PCORnet Coordinating Center, and expressed in plain English that is further defined into a SCILHS query.

  • SCILHS will form SHRINE queries to define a query cohort using existing i2b2 databases.

  • Complex queries are accomplished through a three-step process:

    • A simple query is run (as above).   The result of the simple query is a patient list.

    • The patient list is used to create a disease-specific data subset which is transformed into the PCORNet Common Data Model and transferred to the analysis platform.

    • SCILHS runs PCORnet SQL against the transformed results only.

Query results will be shared with PCORnet and/or used to generate patient lists for our outreach efforts.

For early phases of PCORNet,  this approach requires transformation of thousands, rather than millions of records.